Our development team have been busy delivering more exciting improvements…
Making it easier for companies and accountants to manage PSCs
Most UK companies have had to set up and maintain a PSC register from 6 April 2016. Inform Direct provides a range of tools to make this task as easy as possible:
- Our award-winning company secretarial software guides you through the steps you need to follow, helps you collect the right information and produces a fully compliant PSC register for each company you manage
- When you make updates in Inform Direct, all the necessary changes to the PSC register are automatically processed for you
- All the information you’ve entered is saved ready for your next confirmation statement and all the required details will be automatically entered in the return
- We’ve published a range of guides about the PSC legal requirements, what a company needs to do and how to identify who your company’s PSCs are
- We’ve made available a wide range of templates to help companies and PSCs
We’ve now gone one step further, and integrated all our template PSC documents – and a load of new ones – into our software, making it even easier to be 100% compliant.
So when you’re going through the process of investigating and adding PSCs, you’ll be able to produce all the notices, pro forma replies and board minutes documenting the situation that you need – all at the touch of a button. Similarly, if a PSC’s details change or they cease to be a PSC, you’ll be able to produce, save and print all the documents you need to keep on top of your legal responsibilities.
Produce amazing company documents in Inform Direct
Inform Direct produces an enormous range of minutes, resolutions, forms, letters and other documents - all at the touch of a button
As with all the documents produced by Inform Direct, the notices, replies and minutes produced for People with Significant Control are automatically populated with information you’ve already entered, saving you time and effort. And you’ll have a full record of everything you’ve produced, with all documents tagged and saved to your personal document library.
Managing your Register of People with Significant Control just got a whole lot easier. For Inform Direct subscribers, it’s yet another additional benefit – all covered by your simple monthly subscription. When creating their PSC register, other users can choose to buy these documents to help fulfil your company’s company secretarial responsibilities.