PSC resources

Section 790D notice to an individual

Section 790D notice to individual

If an individual is believed to be a PSC, the company should send them a notice.

This template notice can be adapted to send to an individual, requesting they confirm their PSC status and - if they are a PSC - to provide various required details.

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Reply to Section 790D notice from individual

790D reply from individual

This template reply letter can be adapted by an individual who receives a section 790D notice, enabling them to provide the required details to a company about their PSC status.

Section 790D notice to a corporate entity

Section 790D notice to legal entity

If a corporate entity is believed to be an RLE, the company should send them a notice.

This template notice can be adapted to send to a legal entity, requesting they confirm their RLE status and - if they are a RLE - to provide various required details.

Reply to Section 790D notice from legal entity

790D reply from legal entity

This template reply letter can be adapted by a legal entity which receives a section 790D notice, enabling them to provide the required details to a company about their RLE status.

Section 790D notice to a third party who may know a PSC

Section 790D notice to a third party

In some cases a company will send a notice to someone who, although not a PSC themselves, is believed to know the identity of a PSC or RLE.

This template notice can be adapted and sent to such a third party, helping the company to obtain information about a possible PSC.

Reply to Section 790D notice from third party

790D reply from third party

This template reply letter can be adapted by a third party (someone who isn't themselves a PSC or RLE) who receives a section 790D notice. They can use it to inform the company what, if anything, they know about a PSC or RLE.

Warning notice

warning notice

If someone doesn't respond to a formal request for information, the company may look to apply restrictions on shares or rights. As part of that process, the company must first issue a warning notice.

This template warning notice can be adapted and used by a company.

Restrictions notice

restrictions notice

If someone doesn't respond to a formal request for information, the company may look to apply restrictions on shares or rights. As part of that process, the company must issue a formal restrictions notice.

This template restrictions notice can be adapted and used by a company to inform someone that restrictions are now in place.

Withdrawal notice

withdrawal notice

A company may choose or be ordered by court to remove restrictions. In that case, a withdrawal notice must be issued.

This template withdrawal notice can be adapted and used by a company to inform someone that restrictions are not longer in effect.

2025 Review
of UK Company Formations

Read our comprehensive review of UK company formations in 2024, year-on-year growth rates and breakdown by county. This detailed insight is provided in the form of easy to understand infographics available for sharing through social media and on your own website