Inform Direct product update – May 2024

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We have been making many improvements to help automate the process of getting a company’s confirmation statement filed:

This release now lets you use this same automation framework to automate the production of a company’s dormant company accounts and email them for agreement.

There are many benefits to subscribing

These automations are exclusive to subscribers of the software. This is just one of many benefits of an Inform Direct subscription.

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Automating the dormant company accounts workflow

‘Out of the box’ you will now have two dormant company accounts automated workflows available:

  • One will generate the dormant company accounts 21 days after the accounting period ends and email it for agreement
  • The other will generate the dormant company accounts 21 days after the accounting period ends and save it as an approval record

You are able to create your own, or edit these ‘Out of the box’ workflows as desired.


‘Out of the box’ there will also be a dormant company accounts email template that you can use, amend or create a separate version of as desired.

Dormant company email

Linking the workflow to dormant companies

Once you are happy with the configuration of the dormant company accounts workflow(s) you can apply it to a company from the ‘Edit workflows’ process on the company’s details page.

Here you can select the workflow you would like for the dormant company accounts (as long as the company meets the rules for a dormant company).

If the workflow selected will email the dormant company accounts then you can select the relevant sender and recipient email addresses here.

Editing company workflows

Configuring sender email addresses

In a previous update we added the ability to configure email addresses that can be used to send emails ‘from’ within Inform Direct.

For more information on how to set this up, please see our guide.

If this company has not filed dormant company accounts in Inform Direct before then the information about the accounts will need to be entered. If it has already filed dormant company accounts within Inform Direct then the details from those filed accounts will be brought forward each year.

Once saved, the production of the accounts will be scheduled on the date calculated – based on the workflow’s configuration and the company’s ‘Next accounts made up to date’.

Scheduled dormant company accounts production and tracking

Based on the workflow assigned to the company, when the scheduled day arrives the accounts will either be:

  • Generated and saved as an approval record
  • Generated and saved as an approval record and emailed to the selected recipient for approval

If for some reason the accounts can’t be produced, for example if the company is no longer dormant, you will receive a notification and email to advise that this is the case.

Where the workflow automates the email sending to the recipient you can track the delivery status of the email from ‘Recent activity’ grid on the company’s dashboard.

Email tracking

Filing the dormant company accounts once agreed

Once the recipient agrees the accounts you can file them by simply clicking to ‘Complete’ the saved approval from the company’s dashboard and then selecting the person who agreed the accounts.

Completing the saved accounts

Still more to come …

We are not finished on automation so keep an eye out for future updates and get in touch to let us know of anything else you would find useful.

Please let us know your feedback

Let us know if you are finding this new feature useful, along with any other enhancements or feature recommendations that would improve Inform Direct for you.

Our timeline of updates shows our commitment to improving Inform Direct, past, present and future.

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