The Inform Direct team are pleased to unveil another new feature for our users…
A library full of useful templates to make managing your companies easier
As well as producing minutes and other documents when completing transactions in Inform Direct, we’ve also now saved all our documents into a handy Template Library. That means you can access documents at any time, so you’ll be able to download a template without needing to complete the transaction.
The Template Library can be found by clicking on “Documents & Templates” at the top of the screen, and then selecting the “Template Library” tab. All the templates you’ll find here have been created and reviewed by our company secretarial experts.
Produce amazing company documents in Inform Direct
Inform Direct produces an enormous range of minutes, resolutions, forms, letters and other documents - all at the touch of a button
It’s easy to search the stock of templates. You can filter by category and type of document so, for example, you can easily find a board minute to transfer shares. You can even mark particular documents as favourites, so anyone in your organisation than then get to them in moments.
Any template can be purchased by a Pay As You Go user for just £5 + VAT. Inform Direct subscribers get free access to all these additional templates as they’re all covered by your simple monthly subscription.
We’ll continue to build up our stock of useful templates, so you’ll have a resource for all sorts of eventualities. We’ll let you know when the next batch of documents is available!