Inform Direct gives you everything you need to manage company secretarial filings for your companies. Occasionally, however, other parties will make their own filings for your companies, and our seamless Companies House integration identifies those changes. While Inform Direct helps you get submissions right first time, those made by other means can all too easily be filed incorrectly. It’s possible that the public record for your companies will become inconsistent or obviously incorrect, but we’re on hand to help you overcome such issues.
In November and December we have added functionality to notify you of inconsistencies and allow you to correct them.
Get your own Companies House presenter code
As a firm representing clients, you could set up your own Companies House presenter code - it's easy to apply.
November’s release added the ability to merge share classes together to correct where filings have previously been made with incorrect/inconsistent share class names.
This latest release has added the notification, and resolution process for, discrepancies in person and share class details caused by filings being made incorrectly outside of Inform Direct.
Notifications for the discrepancies created at Companies House
Where Inform Direct identifies a discrepancy with information at Companies House (due to filings being made outside of Inform Direct, and incorrectly) a notification will be raised on the company with the issue. A company with such a notification will show a red ‘Check alert’ for the company on the ‘Portfolio’ screen.
Notifications will be raised on the company’s dashboard where:
- Companies House have differing details for the same person, of:
- Names for an officer & PSC
- Dates of birth for an officer & PSC
- Residential address for an officer & PSC
- There has been an unexplained change in the company’s statement of capital
Resolving discrepancies
From these notifications you are able to view information about how to resolve them, including links to our guides.
For the following discrepancies, you are able to file the correction needed to the relevant record, using Inform Direct:
- Names for an officer & PSC
- Residential address for an officer & PSC
Just select the notification’s action of ‘View and resolve’ and it will launch a new process to let you select the correct name / address for the person, enter the date of change and then submit this change to Companies House for the record that needs correcting.
Let us know any feedback you have
We’d love to hear if you have found this new feature useful.
If you have any suggestions about how Inform Direct can be even more useful for you, please let us know.
See the improvements we continually make to Inform Direct on our timeline of updates.
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