share certificates
Our basic share certificate template is completely free to use. You can alternatively purchase unlimited use of one of our premium professionally-designed templates.…
Share certificates – what you need to know
A share certificate, which is produced and issued by a company, certifies on a certain date that a person is the registered owner of shares in that company. The key information shown on the certificate includes the name and…
What is a nominee shareholder?
Nominee shareholders are a means of protecting a true shareholder’s identity. Here we explore the benefits and drawbacks of appointing a nominee shareholder and consider where they sit in the wider legislative context.…
Inform Direct product update – December 2022
Inform Direct gives you everything you need to manage company secretarial filings for your companies. Occasionally, however, other parties will make their own filings for your companies, and our seamless Companies House…
Inform Direct product update – September 2022
Last month we released a new feature to allow you to upload the members of limited by guarantee companies from a spreadsheet.…
Inform Direct product update – August 2021
In line with customer feedback we have recently made changes so that you can now make changes to existing share certificates as well as deleting them where they are wrong.…
2024 Review
of UK Company Formations
Read our comprehensive review of UK company formations in 2023, year-on-year growth rates and breakdown by county. This detailed insight is provided in the form of easy to understand infographics available for sharing through social media and on your own website