share transfers
Following on from the recent updates over the last couple of months our first update in June allows you to enter non-cash consideration for share transfers, something that we have had several requests for.…
What you need to know about joint shareholdings
When one person holds shares jointly with one or more others, they are joint shareholders. That’s different from the situation where more than one shareholder each owns shares in a company in their own right. A joint…
What are treasury shares?
Treasury shares are the company’s own shares that it has bought back from an existing shareholder where those shares have not been immediately cancelled. This means that these shares still exist and, therefore, the company’s…
Inform Direct product update – October 2021
We are continuing to enhance your ability to reuse information across your Inform Direct account, so that you can now select existing people and address records from any company you manage when allotting and transferring shares. …
(Another) Inform Direct product update – January 2021
We’re giving users more flexibility to update transactions you’ve already completed in Inform Direct, to correct certain errors on share transfers and allotments or remove transfers that didn’t proceed. This…
How to transfer shares – a step by step guide
The transfer of shares in a UK company to a new shareholder, whether by sale or gift, is very common. Although private companies may expect transfers in their company’s shares to be rare, various circumstances can lead to a…
2024 Review
of UK Company Formations
Read our comprehensive review of UK company formations in 2023, year-on-year growth rates and breakdown by county. This detailed insight is provided in the form of easy to understand infographics available for sharing through social media and on your own website