Company formation
Over 650,000 new companies were incorporated in the UK in 2018! The consistent growth in company formation is not only a product of business optimism, but also continued efforts to simplify the process of company set up.…
Do I need a business bank account?
Not all businesses are required to have a business bank account. Many business that are not legally required to have a business account still decide to operate with one as they do offer many benefits.…
What are the rules on company names?
Company names are important as they identify the company and it products and services. Generally, you should be able to use your chosen company name for your company or limited liability partnership (LLP). However, there are…
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Checks
As part of incorporating a company through Inform Direct some checks must be completed on the individual forming the company. To see why these are required please read our article on What checks must be performed to form a…
What checks must be done to set up a company?
Forming a company is a simple process and explained marvellously in a previous article – How to register a new company in 10 simple steps. This simplicity, however, means that people attempting to perform money laundering or…
Should I buy a business address service for my UK company?
Every UK company needs a registered address based in the UK, and individual company directors must each also provide a service address to Companies House. However, many people will not have an address they can – or want to –…
2025 Review
of UK Company Formations
Read our comprehensive review of UK company formations in 2024, year-on-year growth rates and breakdown by county. This detailed insight is provided in the form of easy to understand infographics available for sharing through social media and on your own website