To make a call on unpaid or partly paid shares, the directors should pass a resolution at a directors' meeting.
This template directors' resolution to call an unpaid amount can be amended and inserted into the minutes of your directors' meeting.
This download is associated with How to process calls on partly paid shares
A call notice should be sent to all shareholders who the company is asking to pay a call, giving them details of the amount due and the date by which it must be paid.
This template letter can be adapted and sent out to shareholders.
This download is associated with How to process calls on partly paid shares
If any shareholder does not make a call payment by the due date, the directors may then resolve to issue a forfeiture notice.
This template board resolution can be adapted and used by the directors.
This download is associated with How to forfeit shares
Sometimes shareholders will not respond by the deadline specified in the call notice. Any such shareholder should be sent a call reminder letter, which will also mention the possibility of share forfeiture.
This template letter will need to be amended to take account of the terms of the share issue and the company’s articles of association.
This download is associated with How to process calls on partly paid shares