6,669 companies formed

UK  669,855 companies formed in the UK in total View national statistics

New company registration in Tyne and Wear at record levels

2018 brought a new record in the number of new companies registered in Tyne and Wear, with the 6,669 companies formed in the year eclipsing the previous best of 6,380 in 2016.

New company registration was strong across Tyne and Wear, with 2,097 new companies started in Newcastle upon Tyne, followed by 1,365 in Gateshead, 1,210 in Sunderland, 1,199 in North Tyneside and 787 in South Tyneside.

You can find more details below about when and where companies were formed in Tyne and Wear in 2018, including a breakdown of the types of companies registered. We also compare the entrepreneurial performance of Tyne and Wear with other areas of the UK.

If you want to register a new company in Tyne and Wear, take a look at our flexible company registration service.