1,054 companies formed

UK  669,855 companies formed in the UK in total View national statistics

Record number of company formations in Herefordshire in 2018

In 2018, there were 1,054 new company formations in Herefordshire, the first time the number of companies formed in the county has exceeded 1,000 in a year. It compares to 906 company formations in 2017 and 853 in 2016.

At the end of 2018, the number of companies registered in Herefordshire stood at 9,243, up 7.1% on the end of 2017.

Explore our Herefordshire infographic below for more details on Herefordshire’s performance in forming companies and a comparison with that of other counties.

If you’d like to form a company in Herefordshire, please do try our simple company formation service.