4,635 companies formed

UK  669,855 companies formed in the UK in total View national statistics

Number of companies based in Bristol at all-time high

At the end of 2018, the number of companies based in Bristol reached an all-time high. The total population of 32,794 companies exceeded the equivalent figure of 32,106 from a year earlier, representing a 2.1% increase year on year.

There were 4,635 new companies formed in Bristol in 2018. Although lower than the 4,744 formations in 2017, with most existing businesses continuing to prosper it meant that the overall number of companies based in Bristol continued to rise.

Our infographic below breaks down company formation activity in Bristol in 2018, comparing it both to previous years and other areas. As well as summarising activity in Bristol, you can look at how individual wards have done during the year and compare Bristol’s performance with other areas in the UK.

If you’d like to start a new company in Bristol, you should check out our simple company formation service.