Following the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 receiving royal assent, a new procedure for confirming “consent to act” when appointing directors and secretaries comes into force on 10th October 2015.…
Company formation: addresses you must provide
When you apply to form a new company you will be asked to provide several different addresses. These Companies House requirements can sometimes cause confusion, so in this guide we explain the different address types –…
Company formation: a guide to officers
This guide answers the most common questions relating to the appointment of a new limited company’s first officers. A company’s officers are the formally named directors and, if applicable, the company secretary. They…
File your Annual Return the easy way
To guide you through the Annual Return process we’ve put together a series of articles including a simple introduction to the Annual Return , a checklist of what you must provide. and answers to your top ten Annual Return…
Annual Return – Your Questions Answered
If you are using Inform Direct, we will email you to remind you when your Annual Return deadline is approaching and your Dashboard clearly displays all the key filing deadlines. Companies House also send a letter to your…
How do I get ready for Real Time Information (RTI)?
From the beginning of April you will be required to report your PAYE information to HMRC in real time. In practice this means that every time you make a payment to an employee, at the same time (or before) you will be required…
2025 Review
of UK Company Formations
Read our comprehensive review of UK company formations in 2024, year-on-year growth rates and breakdown by county. This detailed insight is provided in the form of easy to understand infographics available for sharing through social media and on your own website