8,878 companies formed

UK  900,006 companies formed in the UK in total View national statistics

Staffordshire stays at 21st in company formations league table despite a rocky three years for growth

For the third year running growth in company numbers has fallen in Staffordshire. But remember we’re talking about slowing growth, not a fall in numbers. Staffordshire still had a record year for company formations, with 8,878 new businesses registered in 2023 taking the total to 61,360.

Still a solid year for Staffordshire in which it maintained its place at 22nd out of all English counties for company incorporations.

Our infographic of 2023 company incorporation activity in Staffordshire gives further details about companies formed in the county during the year and how it compares with the performance of other counties in England.

If you’d like to start a new company in Staffordshire, you’ll find our simple online company registration service helpful.