7,193 companies formed
805,141 companies formed in the UK in total View national statistics
Concern in business community as number of companies based in East Sussex at a standstill.
With 7,193 new businesses being formed in East Sussex during 2022, this is a record 7 year low for the county lending towards a very unenthusiastic growth rate of 0% – the total number of companies registered in East Sussex fell from 70,862 in 2021 to 70,836 in 2022.
Whilst East Sussex has never really been a hot spot for formation activity with the 5 year growth rate sitting at just 9.1% (compared to the UK as a whole, which saw 27.1% for the same period), a slightly less bleak picture can be painted when considering the adjustments based on population with the county boasting 88.5 companies per 1000 people by the end of 2022.
If you’d like to start a new company in East Sussex, you’ll find our simple online company registration service helpful.
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