7,413 companies formed

UK  771,617 companies formed in the UK in total View national statistics

Company formations in Bedfordshire mirror wider UK picture

The total number of companies registered in Bedfordshire grew by 3.5% in 2021, exactly reflecting the wider national picture. With the formation of 7,413 new businesses in 2021, Bedfordshire continued a five year pattern of continuous growth. By the end of the year the total number of companies was 23% higher than in 2017.

However, it wasn’t all good news. 2021 also saw 5,675 businesses dissolved in Bedfordshire, an increase of 44% over the previous year. Again, this reflected the national trend and is an indication perhaps of the difficult trading conditions brought about by the pandemic.

Explore our Bedfordshire infographic below for more details of companies registered and dissolved in the county in 2021.

If you’d like to start a new company in Bedfordshire, you’ll find our simple online company registration service  helpful.